Christmas Eclipse 2000

Vic and Jen Winter, as StarGarden representatives, talked to more than 25 classes of students at various Kansas City area schools about the eclipse and eclipse viewing safety. StarGarden also promoted the eclipse on local TV and radio stations with interviews.

Ken's Dream

Ken's Dream was fulfilled at the 2000 Southern Skies Star Party with the dedication of the Ken Willcox Memorial Telescope. It is a 22 inch Starmaster. The StarGarden Foundation made up the difference so that the telescope could be installed and put to immediate use.

Solar Outreach

In conjunction with the Friends of the Zoo and the Sprint IMAX Theatre and the StarGarden Foundation in September of 2003 members of StarGarden had solar telescopes on the patio outside the IMAX Theater lobby located at the Kansas City Zoo For 6 consecutive weeks.

Southern Skies Star Party

StarGarden Foundation has continued the star party, founded by Ken Wilcox, since 1994. Every year thirty to forty people meet on the banks of Lake Titcaca to enjoy the dark southern sky panorama in Ken's memory.

Bolivian School Project

Every year at the Southern Skies Star Party, participants help donate need equipment and supplies to a local school in Hatajata Bolivia. Supplies include paper, pencils, science projects, computers and telescopes.

Charles Douglas Memorial Observatory

StarGarden Foundation, Inc. completed the observatory in the fall of 2004. Dedicated to a long time member of the member of the astronomical community of Kansas City, the observatory will advance astronomy education in the midwest. The observatory houses a 12" LX200, a 16" Newtonian and a 24" Starmaster. Public programs are given on the first Saturday of each month. Groups are encouraged to reserve the observatory for their own private star party and schools can use the observatory complex for their science classes projects.

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